Requirements: Android 2.0 and up
- Popular songs from latest releases
- More than 400,000 songs
- Daily updates
- Оffline access to favorite tabs
- Search by type, difficulty, tuning and rating
- Chord diagrams with variations for each chord
- Autoscroll
Tab Pro
- Access to 150,000+ interactive tabs with realistic sound playback
- Multiple instrument tracks available for each tab (guitar, bass, drums etc)
- Loop and tempo control
- Tuner
- Metronome
- Chords Library
- Personalize each tab by changing font style and size
- Make tabs easier to read on your device with "Fit To Screen" feature
- Export tabs and chords to Dropbox, send them via email with just one tap
- Print tabs using any CloudPrint compatible device
More Info
- Ultimate Guitar Tabs & Chords v2.1.0 Apk - (11.6MB)
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