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Monday, 15 June 2009

Java(TM) Puzzlers: Traps, Pitfalls, and Corner Cases

Java(TM) Puzzlers: Traps, Pitfalls, and Corner Cases
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional | ISBN: 032133678X | edition 2005 | CHM | 304 pages | 2,5 mb

This book is filled with brainteasers about the Java programming language and its core libraries. Anyone with a working knowledge of Java can understand these puzzles, but many of them are tough enough to challenge even the most experienced programmer. Don't feel bad if you can't solve them. They are grouped loosely according to the features they use, but don't assume that the trick to a puzzle is related to its chapter heading; we reserve the right to mislead you.
Most of the puzzles exploit counterintuitive or obscure behaviors that can lead to bugs. These behaviors are known as traps, pitfalls, and corner cases. Every platform has them, but Java has far fewer than other platforms of comparable power. The goal of the book is to entertain you with puzzles while teaching you to avoid the underlying traps and pitfalls. By working through the puzzles, you will become less likely to fall prey to these dangers in your code and more likely to spot them in code that you are reviewing or revising.



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